Grounding For The Holidays

I am taking a couple of weeks off. Some time to catch up on year-end business and home stuff, and also to travel for our wedding anniversary. I will probably make some time to put my feet in the sand like in this picture.

As someone who tends to be a chronic planner and worrier, one of the ways I handle the busyness of this time of year is to make time for activities that help me feel steady and calm. One is being in nature, such as walking on the beach. Another is sitting on my mat (often with Lulu by my side) for some breathwork with gentle movement and stretches.

Last week I received a lovely comment from a student who said that the way I teach is very grounding. I felt that was a big compliment, because my intention is to offer an experience that makes students feel better in their bodies AND their minds.

Yoga is intended to relieve suffering. If you feel anxious or down mentally and emotionally, it doesn’t matter how fit and/or flexible you are. Good mental health IS essential for overall health. I wish you the best as this year wraps up, and in the approach to a new one.

Happy Holidays,
