This picture came from an article with tips on how to improve business productivity. I thought it was fascinating because the woman is sitting in a “yoga” pose while she’s doing different things with what looks like 8 arms!
What do you think of when you hear these terms: “high performer” or “optimized schedule”? These are popular terms in the business arena, and even in our everyday world. We often think of a productive person as someone who gets things done and stays on top of everything, someone to admire.
Personally, I am rethinking this concept as I am now operating (temporarily?) in a semi-retired mode. I was so used to filling up my schedule with classes, administrative tasks, and house work that slowing down has me feeling off. Even writing this blog was pressing on me last week, until I decided it wasn’t urgent.
It’s helpful to recognize that rest and relaxation IS also productive and useful. It’s how our minds and bodies get a reset, and it gives our nervous systems a break from the busyness of the world around us.
I’m slowly warming to the idea of taking my time to do things when I feel like it, doing some things properly instead of rushing, and skipping other tasks altogether. My perspective is gradually changing, and my new favorite thing is just sitting on my lanai with a beverage while observing nature in my own back yard.
From a Vogue article: What Is Toxic Productivity:
“Toxic productivity describes an unhealthy pursuit of constant productivity that goes beyond healthy limits,” says German psychologist Eva Elisa Schneider. “Those affected have the urge to make the most of every minute of their day.”
The problem: When you’re not constantly productive, you quickly start to feel guilty or worthless, restless, and unable to truly relax. “Unexpected free time, such as a canceled meeting, is not used for a break, but is immediately filled with other to-dos,” Dr. Schneider continues. A pattern of such behavior can lead to “health being neglected and important signs of exhaustion not being taken seriously.”
Personal update:
I’m headed to Mexico next week to help my father move back to the U.S. after 20+ years living there when he retired. I hope that my husband and I have time to explore and enjoy the area, and I really look forward to seeing him - it’s probably been 6 years since I spent time with him in person.
If you’ve read this far, I thank you for entertaining my thoughts. I’d love to hear yours if you care to reply.
Be Well,