Celebrate Your Imperfect Body

Just because I teach Yoga and Foundation Training (FT) doesn’t mean that I have no body issues. After all, I am a curvy 60+ woman, and I definitely don’t move like I did even 10 years ago.

Even though I do my best to eat right, get plenty of exercise, water, and rest, I still have times when things aren’t functioning well. Some of it is out of my control, but other issues are due to bad habits.

For example, last weekend I slouched for too many hours on a sofa that needs to be replaced, and my right hip started hurting. I saw my nurse practitioner, and she thinks it’s bursitis. It could have come from slouching, or even overdoing some of the poses I teach. The pain/stiffness is still there, but I’m working through it with yoga, FT, self-massage, ibuprofen, and extra rest. Plus making myself sit up right on the sofa, and getting up often to stretch.

My body is not my business card; instead I offer my experience, training, and compassion in helping you work with your unique body’s needs. I may not know what it’s like to be in your body, but I do watch and listen, and conduct research if I need to learn more.

I hope you can make some time to move, breathe, and celebrate your beautifully imperfect body this week.

Be Well,
