Keeping It Simple

I’m out of town this weekend, and my brain is resisting a discussion of any complex topic, so I’ll keep it simple.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the KISS principle before - the graphic above comes from an investment article (read more here) and features an acronym usually representing Keep It Simple Stupid. I much prefer Super to Stupid, don’t you?

Anyway, the principle comes from the design world, and indicates that the simplest solution is often the most effective one, and adding complexity can be unnecessary. This can apply to almost any system or discipline, including yoga.

I have to remind myself of this from time, because I get so fascinated with subtleties of yoga poses, all the muscles involved, etc. When I start to feel I’m overexplaining, I pull back and remember to let students just FEEL and BREATHE.

I hope you can make some time to move, breathe, and simply move your body this week.

Be Well,
