When Your Mind Needs A Break

Have you ever wondered how people who meditate for hours a day can just sit and be still for so long? Me too, because I’m really one of those busy brain people who always has things in the works.

But what do we do when it’s all too much, and we need to calm our minds and nervous system? Sure, we can binge on Netflix, scroll on social media, play games, or call/text a friend. But that’s all still mental stimulation, not rest.

One of the easiest ways I get centered is simple, and can take as little as 1 minute:

  • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Move whatever you need to get settled.

  • Close your eyes, if possible, and tune into your body’s sensations. Become aware of the support of the ground, chair, or bed beneath you.

  • “Watch” your breath. Observe what happens when you inhale, and then when you exhale. Notice the pause in between.

  • If needed, give your brain a simple “task” by creating a mantra (word or phrase) to go with the breath. Example: as you inhale think “I am ______ (peaceful / joyful / strong); as you exhale “I let go”.

I hope you can make some time to move, breathe, and give your mind some peace this week.

Be Well,
