What Do You Stand FOR?

Do you find yourself getting frustrated lately with negative events in the news and daily life? We are certainly bombarded with information everywhere, and so much of it is attacking someone else’s actions, beliefs, political campaign, etc.

When we place most of our attention on something we don’t like, that is where our energy is going. While it’s important to keep up with current events, I believe it’s best to focus on what want, what we stand for, and put our efforts there.

Yoga is about connecting our mind, body, and breath, true. But as we move beyond the physical, yoga is also about our connection to others. It’s about the energy we have, and what we put out into the world.

Next time you post on social media, or respond to someone’s comment, please consider whether you are promoting what you stand for, or reacting to what you dislike.

I hope you can make some time to move, breathe, and find mental peace this week.

Be Well,
