January Blues?

Courtesy of Positively Present

This picture came from Positively Present with an article titled When You Have the Winter Blues.  Here’s a link to the article.  

I’m settling into my new (to me) home in Palm Bay, FL, and beginning to explore the area a bit. After the flurry of activity to buy, move, unpack, and sell the former house it’s good to relax. I do have to admit that it feels strange to not have a full teaching schedule during the busy Florida winter season, but I still have bookkeeping work and private clients to account for some of my time.

When I lived in cold climates January was usually a tough time for me. After the bustle of holiday season, I would begin the new year with so much excitement for good things ahead. Then reality would set in: bad weather, little sunshine or outdoor time, and more cold months. I would struggle to find motivation.

After I moved to Florida I began to look forward to January, because it’s the best time of the year! However, even with warmer weather it’s still normal to feel unmotivated or lethargic - after all, there are so many big / scary things happening in the world right now.

Please take time to acknowledge how you feel, nurture yourself, and go easy on unrealistic expectations.

Be Well,
