Rest & Refresh

This year I decided to take a week off as a birthday present to myself. I’m not planning anything big, but wanted some time for leisure, catching up on personal stuff, getting to the beach, and maybe even taking some yoga classes for ME.

I found that as soon as I made that decision, my body felt lighter. When September began I started small by taking moments to slow down, read a book, and even nap a little. I’m the kind of person who usually fills every spare minute with chores and planning - what a taskmaster!

Daily Practice Tip

Last week I wrote about the benefits of chair yoga, and creating a habit of doing a little bit every day. If you missed that post, here’s a link.

What can you do in your daily life to build this beneficial habit? I suggest that you simply set aside a few minutes and find a favorite spot to roll out your mat, lie in bed, or sit in a chair. If you feel resistance, or think you don’t have time, just tell yourself you’ll give it 5 minutes, and can stop whenever you want.

Start by getting comfortable and paying attention to your body and mental state, observing how everything feels . Notice your breathing for a few breaths. If you remember a favorite stretch or movement, do that. Maybe you keep going, maybe you just rest, then get on with your day.

That’s your daily practice! After a while it can become an important part of your life to help you handle whatever life throws at you.

I hope you can make some time to move, breathe, and take some personal down-time this week.

Be Well,
