Happy New Year!

I’m back from taking 2 weeks off. Some of the time was for R&R (a nice camping trip to a winery just 1.5 hours north of us); some of it was catching up on household and business tasks.

I need time periodically to clear clutter, reorganize, and plan ahead. I really enjoy starting the new year with a clear mindset, because winter is my busiest time as a yoga teacher.  

While we are being bombarded with messages telling us to do more, be better, lose weight, save money, join a challenge, etc. in 2024, I’m going to say something different.

You don’t need to work on being a “new you” just because the calendar changed over. If you do enjoy challenges, or want to tackle a goal, then do it because you want that for yourself, not because of societal pressure.

Don’t let external pressure make you feel bad about yourself. Appreciate the body you have, just as it is, and every good thing in your life. If you have health issues, or you’re struggling in some way, please make time for self-care for better physical and mental health.

Wishing You Many Blessings in 2024,
