Holiday Yoga

How Is Your Holiday Season Going?

We're really not doing much holiday activitiy this year, are you? Besides the pandemic canceling any family trips, we just sold our house and moved to an apartment to downsize. It just hasn't felt all that festive lately.

But just this past week we managed to get out some decorations as we finished unpacking: some lights on the balcony, and treasured gifts from family and friends over the years. I've also been putting cards out that I've received from students, and these really warm my heart.

On Wednesday (my day off), I woke up with the idea of baking cookies for some strange reason. Usually I do this and give them out to neighbors, then send some with my husband to work for his coworkers. This year we really didn't have these options, but I was in the mood for baking anyway. Using what I had on hand (oatmeal, peanut butter, honey, and chocolate chips), I found a relatively "healthy" recipe, put some good music on, and got going. My husband volunteered to be the taste tester and clean-up man!

The result was a REALLY yummy, soft cookie that we've been eating for days. I suppose it's not so healthy when you eat 5 cookies in one sitting, but oh well it's the season, right? It made my heart happy, and that counts too. I hope that you find something that can make you feel as good as a warm cookie!

Stay safe, be well, find joy,


Here’s the recipe I used: