Our Bodies Change

There are so many factors that affect, and change, our bodies each day.

We gain or lose weight. We get into accidents, or get sick. Bodies change after giving birth, going through menopause, or having major surgery. When we’re children we go through growth spurts; as we age we can lose some height and muscle mass, as well as mobility.

No matter what size, shape, age, or condition our body is in, we need the same things: nourishment, water, sleep, and movement are at the top. In our modern world we also need to know how to manage stress for our bodies to work well.

You can probably guess that yoga is my movement of choice, even though it’s not the only kind. I love yoga because it adapts to our needs as our bodies change, and can be accessible to EVERY BODY.

If you want to practice mindful yoga, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,
