The Light Within Me Honors the Light Within You

I often end classes with the above saying, adding that I honor the beautiful, unique light within you.  There are more in-depth translations of this Sanskrit word, but more simply, it literally translates to "I bow to you."  

Here is another:
I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells
I honor the place in you
which is of love, or truth, of light, and of peace
When you are in that place in you, 
and I am in that Place in me,
We are one

What this means to me is that each one of us has a unique light within within that guides how we walk through life.  Even though we come from different backgrounds, cultures, religions, and walks of life, we are all human.  When we are in that place of love and truth, we can be in unity.

It only takes a few minutes of watching news on the TV, or a quick scroll through Facebook, to feel that there is extreme disharmony all around, not unity.  Our unique life experience influences our perspective and our choices.  Yet I know that each person is making choices based on what they think is best.  Most of us want the same thing: to feel valued and loved.

So, although I have my own beliefs, I honor yours, and celebrate where we can find common ground.  I endeavor to keep my "virtual studio" a place of mutual respect and uplifting energy.

Stay safe, stay healthy, shine your light,
