Welcoming June

My staycation last week was very nice, in case you’re wondering. With heat, humidity, and rain, it’s feeling like like summer here in South Florida, so we chose to do mostly indoor activities. Mostly it was nice to sleep in a little, lounge around, and just relax most days.

We did manage to get to an outdoors craft festival one morning with my mom, while it was still cool-ish. It was fun to take a trip to a Miami museum followed by lunch. What wasn’t as “fun,” but still satistying, was spending part of 2 days painting the office / guest room / virtual yoga studio.

Although I took a week off, I’m still studying Foundation Training coursework online for 6 weeks, then attending the in-person portion in Tampa later in the month. I think this is going to be life-changing stuff, so I’ll be sprinkling in a bit of what I learn in classes, and explaining the purpose.

I look forward to getting back to classes this week!

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,
