What Will May Bring You?

Do you know that saying: April showers bring May flowers? Here’s what Wikipedia says about the proverb:

“March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers", first recorded in 1886, and the shorter, trochaic version "April showers bring May flowers" (originally "Sweet April showers/Do spring May flowers", part of a poem recorded in 1610)” (from Wikipedia)

This expression can also be taken to symbolize that often adverse and uncomfortable conditions can precede better ones.  This also relates to the “you reap what you sow” expression.  

What did you “sow,” or plant, earlier this year, that you hope to benefit from this month?  For me, it’s cultivating those relationships with my students, neighbors, friends, and family.  I believe that nourishing those connections in my world will yield a richer life overall, throughout the year.

Typically in May my classes get smaller, as some of my students head north for the summer, or take shorter trips.  I don’t mind smaller classes, because I get the opportunity to give a little more attention to each person.  I also get a little more time for myself and family, which is a nice bonus.

I hope that you can practice yoga with me and nourish yourself this month.

Be Well,
