Why Yoga?

Connecting to nature

Connecting to nature

I took my first yoga class almost 17 years ago, reluctantly agreeing to try my friend/co-worker’s class in the basement gym of our government building. We were on a hard cement floor surrounded by workout machines, with people coming and going. I struggled with so many poses, not just physically, but also my ego hurt, thinking I “should” be able to do more at age 40. Savasana (final relaxation) was torturous. I couldn’t relax for more than a minute, thinking that I was wasting my time when I had so much work on my desk waiting for me.

So why did I keep returning to the class? Because it was the first time in a while that I felt a sense of peace and completeness. I was so focused on what I was doing that I let all worries and plans drop away (except in Savasana). Not only did my body feel better at the end, but I felt mentally refreshed and relaxed. I realized that my friend was on to something. It was about 10 years later that I would become interested in teaching yoga, figuring that most people need this in their lives.

So why yoga? Here are just a few of the potential benefits of the physical practice (asana):

  • Better mental clarity and focus

  • Better breathing function

  • Stress relief

  • Improved functional range of motion

  • A stronger core and overall strength

  • More stability for better balance

  • Increased flexibility

  • Improved body awareness

  • Relaxation

  • Enhanced sense of overall wellness

Many of us are staying home these days, and missing in-person yoga classes. I agree that yoga by video screen is just not the same, for me as a teacher too! And I get it, Zoom fatigue is real, but it’s what we have for now.

Are there any benefits to taking “virtual” livestream classes? Why, yes there are!

  • No commute time - you can be in your own home and sign in just minutes before

  • Wear whatever you want - you can even turn off your video in my class if you choose

  • Connection with your teacher and other students, in a time when you may not be seeing many people we can still have a sense of community.

  • You’re already home so you can stay in that “yoga bliss” state with driving anywhere.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s practice yoga!

Stay safe, find joy, be well,
