Do You Get Anxious Too?

If you don’t get anxious easily, count your blessings, because it’s one of the most common complaints I hear from almost everyone I know!

I have shared openly that I tend to get anxious - it's the perfectionist / control freak in me. Anxiety and back pain were the 2 main reasons I tried yoga about 18 years ago, and why I keep up a daily morning practice of gentle yoga and meditation.

Even with a good start to the day, I can still get wound up. Between family stuff, being an entrepreneur (there's always something going to do), and world events, I sometimes get overwhelmed. Then when my brain is overworked, I have a hard time "turning it off" and occasionally can't get to sleep.

Here are some other techniques I use, in addition to yoga and meditation, to manage anxiety:

* Observe the senses. I list the things I feel, see, smell, hear, etc. in the moment. For example, "I feel the sheets and mattress beneath me, hear the ceiling fan and my husband's breathing, smell the oils I put on my wrist." Repeat as needed.

* Breathing. I "watch" my natural breath, whether it's constricted somewhere, and focus on smoothing it out without too much effort. I sometimes use a slow count in, followed by a longer count out (inhale 1-2-3, exhale 1-2-3-4), noticing the slight pause at the end of the inhale and the exhale.

* Lavender oil is my go-to scent for relaxation, but there are many others. This DoTerra brand is my favorite by far:

Try out some of these suggestions, and let me know what you think. If you have something else that works for you, please share.

If you want to practice yoga to help you manage stress or anxiety, I provide many yoga options , including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Stay Safe, Be Peaceful, Be Present,  
