Are You Out Of Focus?

In Yoga there is a concept called Drishti, which is an intentional focused gaze. We often use it for balance poses, but it can be used anytime to help maintain concentration, including in meditation.

It comes from a yoga teaching that relates to sense withdrawal (pratyahara). Besides in class, it's also a great practice when we feel overwhelmed by sensory overload.

This type of focus is a soft gaze that allows us to use our eyes, which look outward, still connect to our inner self, and tune out distractions. It helps us to give full attention to what we're doing and can enhance self-awareness.

Try it out: hold your thumb out in front of you at arm's length. Stare intently at it, then feel a "softening" or slightly out-of-focus gaze around the thumb. You can still be aware of sights around the thumb, without shifting your gaze. While maintaining the gaze, begin to notice your natural breathing rhythm. After a bit, shift your gaze to a point further away -10 to 20 feet away - and set your drishti again.

Next time you're in a yoga pose, explore Drishti and what it does for your practice. I provide many yoga options , including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well, Stay Focused,   
