Buffet or Tried & True?

When eating a meal out, do you like a selection to sample from, or do you prefer to order your favorite items? I'm very much a variety person, but in certain restaurants I only want my favorite thing there. My husband and I will often order very different things just so we can try each other's selection.

When it comes to movement, it's important to try different things. Our bodies adapt to routine, and we go on "auto-pilot". Changing it up, whether it's walking backwards for a bit (it's good for your knees), or dancing at home, keeps things interesting and teaches our bodies and brains to adapt to new things.

In my yoga classes, we do a little of both. I always include certain types of poses (such as breath, core, and balance work, plus favorite stretches), but I also try to introduce variety in each class. Sometimes it's longer holds in a pose, sometimes it's a dance. Last week in Zoom class we used weights for back strength.

It helps me to take classes from other instructors to inspire me to do things a little differently. What I learn I share with you, so w can both benefit!

I provide many yoga options , including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well, Explore Variety,   
