Maintaining Sanity and Finding Joy 

I am writing this mid-week, as my husband and I are taking a little getaway to Cocoa Beach this weekend. It will be nice to spend a few days exploring a different area with no cooking, no cleaning, and no computers. We're even leaving Lulu with a good friend so we can sleep in (she's a big snorer!).

Here are some of the most important things I do to stay sane, and keep up my energy and enthusiasm for sharing yoga:

1. Practice yoga /movement and/or meditation EVERY day. When I skip this I start to feel cranky and withdrawn; when I practice regularly I feel more creative and ready to share myself.

2. Get outside. This can be beach time, a simple walk in the neighborhood, or even sitting outside on our patio with drinks.

3. Schedule down time and rest. At least once a month I need a day off from everything. Note: I don't always do this, but it's a goal. Sometimes it's just an afternoon.

4. Practice saying NO when things fall on my plate that I know I can't, or don't want to, handle.

What are your favorite practices for mental and physical health?

I hope that practicing yoga with me falls somewhere on your list! I provide many yoga options now, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Stay Calm and Find Joy,   
