Back To Life

I’ve just returned from a week-long vacation.  My husband and I spent a few days in St. Augustine, FL, touring the historic city and visiting the 1874 Lighthouse Tower.  We actually climbed the 219 steps to the top, AND back down (I felt it for days)!  

After that we parked our campervan (pictured above) at Ormond Beach, and just relaxed. It was breezy but beautiful, and we got to do some Yoga and Foundation Training on the beach itself, plus lots of people watching.

The trip was just what I needed to clear my head: from news, from family drama, and from business planning.  Although my plate is already full, I’ve been getting busier as more communities want yoga, and snowbirds start to return.  

I believe that I can offer my students the best experience when I take the time to ground and refresh myself. I hope to bring that energy into classes this week.

If you want to practice mindful movement, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,
