Life As Usual?

At the time of this writing, I am preparing for a weekend camping getaway with my husband Luis and the infamous Lulu (our English Bulldog). I’m looking forward to some beach time, then an actual week-long vacation beginning 10/20.

Like many, my emotions were all over the place this past week. While my personal and business life is pretty good at the moment, I worry about close family members and friends who are dealing with challenging situations. In addition, watching what’s developing in Israel is very frightening and heart-wrenching when we see the toll that war is taking on so many innocent lives.

I ask myself: how can I continue to offer yoga classes, as if nothing has changed? The answer is this: I intend to create and hold a space for everyone to find sanctuary and self-care amidst chaos.

It’s so important to find that place where we can draw comfort, strength, and calmness, especially when confronted with situations we can’t control. I find that space when I connect mind, body, and breath; coming into the present moment can help me determine appropriate action.

If you want to practice mindful movement and meditation with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,
