The Best Tool For Health?

“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.” 

~ Abraham Maslow

I believe that we often see solutions from the perspective of what we already know or possess. We are limited to this unless we are open to learning and experiencing new things.

Here are a few tools I’ve used in my own journey to wellness:

  • When I needed help dealing with a very stressful time of my life, I worked with a mental health therapist.

  • I wanted to learn more about how to eat properly, so I studied holistic nutrition, and then became a health coach.

  • I discovered yoga as a way to feel better in my mind AND body, then studied to become a yoga teacher. The broader practice of yoga includes breathwork (Pranayama), which is extremely powerful.

  • Most recently I learned about Foundation Training, which has specific exercises to help us correct imbalances from modern day life. I continue to study FT, and am now a certified trainer.

  • Meditation and other stress-relieving techniques like EFT tapping and healing vibration music are also in my tool bag.

Fortunately, yoga as a whole does contain so much that is beyond the poses, so it still is my primary go-to as a life practice.

I believe that the more wellness tools I learn, the more it helps me, and I have more to share with my students for THEIR wellness.

If you want to practice mindful movement and learn wellness with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,
