Steady Mind For Better Everything

Welcome to October!

This past week in classes I shared a practice called Sa Ta Na Ma. It comes from Kundalini yoga, and is often used as a chant and/or meditation. I’ve discovered that it is also used to help people suffering from PTSD, children with autism, and anyone with anxiety.

Repeating a mantra connected to tactile sensation can be a very effective way to steady and calm the mind. I find that with a steadier mind, I do better with balance, with decision-making, and even sleep better.

To practice, touch your thumb to one finger at a time (index finger 1st, or starting with the pinkie in) and say or think one syllable with each finger, then repeat for as long as you like.

You may simply enjoy the sound vibrations, but here’s one explanation of what the sounds represent:

Sa = Infinity

Ta = Birth

Na = Death

Ma = Rebirth

This mantra can also signify letting go of old patterns, and welcoming new ones that support you in becoming who you were meant to be. If you prefer, you can use an English Language phrase that is also 4 syllables, such as “I am peaceful,” or any phrase that has special meaning to you. Here’s an article that explains more.

If you find that your mind wanders a lot when you’re trying to rest, give Sa Ta Na Ma a try!

If you want to practice mindful movement and meditation with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,
