One thing I've noticed as I reconnect with people after 2+ years of being apart, is that many of us lost some physical abilities.
I know that my physical strength, cardiovascular capacity, and overall energy declined since 2020. This was partly because of some injuries, but mostly because I stopped doing much strength and cardio work. I stopped pushing myself physically in order cope with stress (which was necessary - no shame in it).
Whether it's because of injury, surgery, illness, or simply decreased activity, a decline in health and abilities can also happen as we age. Is it possible to rebuild?
The answer is an optimistic . . . maybe. I have seen my students become stronger, more confident, and more energetic, after just a few yoga sessions. I also know that certain changes may not be completely reversible, such as range of motion after a serious injury. But it's definitely worth exploring.
How do we get the ball rolling? Here are a few tips:
1. What do you want to regain? Strength, resiliency, and range of motion are some examples. I suggest choosing a priority and focusing on that.
2. Remember the WHY: How will it benefit your life?
3. Make a plan: What steps do you need to take?
4. Schedule time: Put those action items on your calendar to start / restart a good habit.
5. Assess and reassess: What's working? What's not and needs to change?
6. Repeat from step 1
If you want to practice yoga with me to rebuild and refresh, I provide many yoga options, includinggroup classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.