Can You Find Beauty?

Anne Frank experienced many horrors in her young life, to say the least. Her writings, penned in the 2 years while she was in hiding during the Holocaust, were revealed her reality, thoughts, and feelings about war and persecution from a teenage girl's perspective.

Although she wrote many inspirational thoughts, it’s important to note that she also felt like “a songbird who has had his wings clipped and who is hurling himself in utter darkness against the bars of his cage,” as she wrote in October 1943.

I can’t even imagine experiencing anything as horrible as she did. Yet we all did/do experience trauma and difficult situations in our lives.

I believe it is important to continue to find beauty, especially in difficult times. It's also my mission to help contribute to the beauty in the world, by sharing yoga that uplifts and reduces suffering.

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

In Peace & Health,
