How To Keep Yoga Bliss Going - Part I

Have you ever come away from a yoga class thinking: “I wish I could feel like this all the time!”?

If you’re like me and take maybe 1-2 classes a week, what happens the rest of the week?  Sometimes you just lose that yoga feeling.  Reminds me the 1976 song by The Righteous Brothers.

The answer is: a home practice, plain and simple.  I know, it’s not the same as a class, it’s true.  But making a habit of doing things on your own can keep you feeling calm and at ease in your body, and can even deepen your practice.

This picture above is my home yoga “studio” that I use for Zoom sessions, and for myself. (It’s also a guest bedroom / office.) It has just a few essentials out, and that’s all I usually need.

Here are a few tips for setting up your own "oasis":

  • Space: designate a section of your home that’s quiet, and big enough for your chair or mat.  It helps if you can close the door to keep out distractions. Pro tip: keep your mat/chair out all the time, if possible, to entice you to get back to it regularly.

  • Equipment: a chair and/or mat is basic, but props could include a towel/blanket, strap, and blocks.  And don’t forget your water bottle.

  • Technology: you can go no-tech by doing your own thing, but if you’re playing videos, then you’ll need to position yourself, or your device, to see the screen you’re using.  Pro tip: turn off any message notifications to avoid distractions.

  • Ambiance extras: Any music you like, essential oils or candles for scent, and objects or pictures that inspire you are great additions for your space.

Now you’re wondering what to do once you’re there.  More info on that is coming next week, so stay tuned

Don’t let that yoga feelin’ slip away!

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

In Peace & Health,
