Can’t Go to the Gym? Here’s How You Can Stay Healthy at Home

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Image via Pixabay

I am in the process of moving to a new location, so I am featuring a guest writer in this week's post.

Justin Bennett is an author and the creator of Healthy Fit, which collects valuable fitness resources from across the web.

Can’t Go to the Gym?
Here’s How You Can Stay Healthy at Home

Even though gyms and yoga studios have been open for some time, the uptick in COVID cases has many people retreating to their homes again. And this can make staying on top of your healthy habits a bit more challenging. To ensure you get the movement you need, setting up a home workout space is a great way to stay in shape while you wait out the pandemic. However, you’ll also need to find ways to keep eating healthy and focus on your mental health while you’re stuck on lockdown. To get started, check out the following tips from Nourish Yoga & Wellness.

How to Take Better Care of Your Physical Health at Home

There are ways to eat well and fit in a workout, regardless of whether you have any equipment.

Sign Up for a Video Membership with Nourish Yoga & Wellness

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Creative Ways to Practice Self Care at Home

Exercising and eating well are both ways to practice self-care, but these ideas can give your routine more variety.

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Whether you’re staying home because you’re at risk yourself or want to prevent spreading disease to others, it’s important to look for ways to stay healthy indoors. A great way to start is by exercising, practicing self-care, and cooking good meals with your pantry foods.

You can learn more about Justin's health resources on his website.

If you would like to explore yoga that helps you maintain your health, you can work with me in
group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Stay healthy, be well,  
