Crossing the Midline

This picture combines 2 of my favorite things: pumpkin and Tree pose. If that's a cookie cutter, I think I may have to find one to buy! I don't bake often, but I'm starting to crave good gingerbread cookies.

I hope that you are enjoying fall days, as October ends and November is coming up. It's my favorite time of year, especially when temperatures cool down here in south Florida.

If you were in any of my classes last week, you may have noticed that I featured movements that cross the midline of the body. It's one of the movement therapy techniques used for helping people heal from trauma, whether it's a big T or a small t. Read more about it in this article. Here's one quote:

“Trauma changes the brain. It primes survivors to perceive threats everywhere and respond as if they are in constant danger,” Clapp says. “If you feel frightened or unsafe, your brain will specialize in feelings of fear. If you feel safe and loved, your brain becomes specialized in exploration, play, and cooperation.

“The good news is the brain is plastic, meaning it can be changed. Learning new ways of being and new adaptive coping skills is one way to change the brain.”

I like to teach cross-body moves, plus using opposite body parts (contralateral movement), and adding layers of challenge in classes. It's good for our brain health, and gets people laughing as we all mess up.

If you want to practice yoga with me , I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Wishing You a Safe Halloween and Día de Los Muertos,  
