Live With Intention

Thank you to all who have reached out with kind words, thoughts, and prayers. My sister-in-law passed away on 10/11 in a Dallas hospital after her nearly 4-year battle with cancer. Our family is doing our best to honor her by holding our best memories of her in our hearts.

This experience reminded me to cherish life and its blessings, to live life with intention. I returned to teaching classes last week when I got back from Dallas, because I felt the need to stay connected with my yoga community. You all lifted me up in word and deed.

Yoga is meant to be a practice that combines mind, body, and breath, with mindfulness and intention. It can become more than exercise; it's how I live in the world.

In line with this, my intention in offering yoga to the community is to:

1. Give you a non-judgmental space to BE

2. Provide tools that can help alleviate physical, mental, and emotional tension

3. Make movement accessible to ALL bodies, regardless of ability, age, and status

4. Help you find ease, and maybe even joy, in our practice

If you want to practice yoga with me , I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,  
