Grief is Individual

I just returned from an unplanned week-long trip to Dallas. A close family member was in the hospital in rapidly declining health, and passed away while there.

My mom and I went to spend time with this loved one, and to provide support to other family members there. She wasn't very lucid anymore, but I believe she knew of my presence. So many family members were there, and everyone reacted in their own way.

There were many that times I felt helpless and useless. What I learned was that the best thing I could do was to be present, to feel each moment, and just be there. After all, what do most humans want, except to feel seen, heard, and loved?

It was interesting to see how simple things like breathwork helped loved ones in pain (both physical and emotional). Platitudes don't matter, but intentions do, so it wasn't always necessary to know exactly what to say.

Please bear with me as I return to my "normal" life, carrying that grief and experience that changes us all.

Be Present,  
