Finding Focus

I was having lunch with a friend last week, and the topic of overwhelm came up.  We're both planners and doers by nature, and sometimes life happens so that things pile on.  It can feel like a lot.

I had just ran across a similar quote to the one above (I couldn't find the exact one again), and it stuck with me.  There is a certain amount of planning we need to do, such as in preparations for Hurricane Ian, which thankfully did not affect us as much in south Florida as in other parts of the state. 

In my experience, if planning and thinking becomes constant or overwhelming, we may be trying to look too far forward, or include every possible contingency. 

That's a good time to stop, take a slow deep breath, and pause.  What's important RIGHT NOW?  Maybe the steps you need in this moment feel much more manageable, and the rest can wait.  It's like finding the calm eye of the storm, while everything else swirls around.

If you want to practice yoga with me to learn how to feel more centered, I provide many options, includinggroup classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,  
