Do You Suffer?

It blew my mind when I first read this quote from the Yoga Sutra.  The word suffering conveys so much, but it is simply "the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship." Suffering is just a part of the human experience, is it not?

What kind of distress do you experience? It can be physical, mental, and/or emotional.  Here are some examples:

* Chronic back pain
* Tension or stiffness anywhere in the body
* Turmoil from a mind that constantly plans or rehashes events
* A sense of overwhelm, or of not "being good enough"
* Worry about circumstances beyond your control
* Being so distracted that you don't experience or enjoy the current moment

If you experience any of these, then you may feel far from having inner peace.

The commonly known physical benefits of yoga movement, such as flexibility, strength, balance, relaxation, etc.,  are good reasons to practice.  But when you experience even a small reduction of pain, and a glimmer of inner peace, that is when yoga becomes a lifestyle and not just an exercise.

If you want to practice yoga with me to reduce your suffering, I provide many yoga options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well, Be Peaceful,  
