Travel and Elevate Time

Next week I am going with a good friend to a Yoga Conference in Denver CO.  We both have been talking about how much we need time to relax and restore ourselves as teachers.  The theme of the conference is Elevate, which is fitting.

All of the yoga teachers I know have worked very hard over the past 2+ years to keep their yoga communities and classes going.  Some have burned out or changed careers to survive.  I am so grateful to still be in business, and connected to my students.

On airplanes we are told to "put on your oxygen mask first before helping others," in case of emergency. I feel this trip is going to provide that needed fresh breath for my mind, heart, and soul.  I am ready to soak up some inspiration, education, and camaraderie.  (I also need to dig out some "winter" clothes, because I think it will be much cooler than what I'm used to in South Florida!)

I hope to come back refreshed and ready to share what I've learned with you. 

If you want to practice yoga with me to feel elevated, I provide many yoga options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Uplifted,  
