Daily Practice

The picture above is my yoga teacher friend Karen and I at the Yoga Teacher Conference in Denver last week.  It was quite chilly outside at times, and in the hotel too, so we loved sitting at this fireplace during breaks.

There were so many presentations, social events, and yoga classes that we hardly left the hotel!   I was inspired by the diversity of teachers: age, gender, ethnic background, and experience.  The main takeaway that came up for me was:

Sadhana - Daily Spiritual Practice

What kind of activity do you do regularly that brings you great peace or joy?  It doesn't have to be prayer, yoga, or meditation.  It can be something like working in your garden, talking to a loved one, or observing nature.  When you do these things on a regular basis, it becomes:

Abyhasa - Consistent Practice Over Time

When you commit to this consistent daily practice, it can give you the grounded state of tranquility that carries into the rest of your life.  It can guide how you interact with others, make decisions, or react to difficult situations. 

I'd love to hear what your favorite practice is.  Of course, you can guess that mine is yoga and meditation.

If you want to practice yoga with me to feel grounded, I provide many yoga options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,  
