Don’t Rob Yourself!

I don’t completely agree with this quote by Theodore Roosevelt, although I do understand its overall meaning. It’s human nature to compare things: whether someone is taller, richer, more flexible, or stronger. Comparison is simply noticing when 2 things are similar or dissimilar - no harm in that.

What robs us of joy is when that comparison turns into something destructive vs. constructive: resentment, jealousy, or a feeling of inadequacy. This can happen with anything: our appearance, our possessions, even how we move in yoga class.

My introduction to yoga began with a friend and teacher who was tall, thin, and super flexible. She made a Warrior II series look like powerful ballet, with a big stance and deep knee bend, long arms floating gracefully. In comparison, I felt short, stubby, and awkward.

After I got past the initial embarrassment, I discovered something: even though my poses didn’t look anything like hers I still felt good after class, so something was working. When we let go of what we think we SHOULD do, and simply focus on what works for OUR BODY, we can reclaim that joy of mindful movement.

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,
