What's Your December Energy?

Every time December comes around, I experience so many emotions: excitement, dread, joy, sadness, and even anxiety. From talking to others I have discovered I’m not alone.

It’s easy to get caught up in planning for the holidays (gift giving, social events, travel), and anticipating the new year just ahead. It’s also a time many of us look back and reflect on the year that has passed.

I find it difficult to stay on an even keel this time of year, so it’s time to pull out ALL the tools to help. For me this includes movement, breath work, meditation, and time in nature, and even naps! I also plan to take a Reiki Level 1 training as one of my strategies.

My intention this December is to be present, as best as I can. To experience the moments, small and big, in each day. To listen and observe with my whole being, and to spend undistracted time with loved ones.

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,
