Happy Halloween

Do you have Halloween plans? We'll probably just watch our neighborhood golf cart parade, maybe go to Pirates' Fest downtown, and watch a spooky movie at home. I don't think we'll get many trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood (we just moved to a 55+ community).

As soon as Halloween is over (or even before), plans go directly to Thanksgiving, and even Hanukkah or Christmas. So many of you have told me you're travelling, and/or have travel plans over the next 2 months.

Speaking of plans, I'm also beginning to hear of local communities talking about opening back up to activities, and maybe resuming in-person yoga classes. I will let you know as things develop.

One thing I learned from the pandemic is that I need time for my own yoga and healthy life practices that I had begun to neglect pre-pandemic. I need to treat, not trick, myself!

I may not be able to accommodate every class request I receive, but will do my best. I will probably keep some virtual options going forward (Zoom and/or video recordings).

If you would like to explore yoga that helps you treat yourself well, you can work with me in group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Stay safe, be well,  
