Happy Feet?

Photo courtesy of Health.Harvard.edu

How are your "tootsies" these days? The feet are so important for all that we do each day in getting around. If our feet are healthy, it helps us feel more grounded and steady, yet ready to move. But, if the feet aren't happy, the whole body can suffer. That's because the soles of the feet connect to the entire back of the body!

It's no secret to my students and people close to me that I had problems with my feet earlier this year that lasted for months. Severe plantar fasciitis, due to heel spurs, returned with a vengeance after a 12 year absence. (Believe it or not, it began after I worked at a temp job at Michaels setting up a huge new store, while waiting for a permanent job to start.)

It was a huge deal for me, because for many months I felt pain every time I was on my feet. I had to stop long walks to the beach (my favorite thing), and it limited many of my favorite standing yoga poses. I was desperate to avoid cortisone shots and possibly even surgery.

Thanks to help from a great podiatrist, an in-depth consultation with a fellow yoga teacher who specializes in alignment and orthopedic rehab (check out https://www.maleahwilsonyoga.com/), and continuing diligent practice on my part, I am now almost completely pain-free!

If you're in any of my classes, you know that I almost always incorporate feet work, including many of the things I do for myself. In fact I like to say that we work from head to toe. Here's to Happy Feet!

If you would like to explore yoga that helps you feel good from head to toe, you can work with me in group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Stay safe, be well,  
