What's STRONG With You?

I saw this FitBit ad on TV last week, and was struck by the message. At first I even thought I heard "what's WRONG with you?" Even though it is fitness-based, it shows a diversity of different bodies and activities, and implies that we all possess an INNER strength that fuels us.

I've noticed that we often focus on what's wrong in our world, lives, or bodies. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, as the saying goes. What if we focus instead on what is RIGHT, what is STRONG?

Here's a simple exercise for you: start by taking a moment to sit comfortably.

* Consider the things you have survived in your life - we have come through the past (almost) 2 years of a pandemic. Even before that I am sure you have experienced events, big and small, that have challenged and shaped you.

* Take a look around you and become aware of your surroundings. Can you find something that makes you feel good?

* Observe your body in this moment, notice what functions well.

* Realize that you woke up today and are breathing.

By beginning with what's right, good, and strong, we can find a sense of steadiness, and maybe even contentment. We can enjoy that steady place, and even let it propel us to take action when it is needed.

If you would like to explore yoga that helps you recognize and build on your strengths, you can work with me in group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Stay safe, be strong,  
