"How Often Should I Do Yoga?"

I get asked this question often.  My response is usually "as often as you can!"

To be honest, I don't do a full hour of yoga poses every day, or even every week.  But I do make time every day for some movement, breath work, stretches, and some quiet time (usually meditation).  Sometimes it's 10 minutes, sometimes it's 2 hours!

I find this is how I stay grounded and keep up my energy, so I can go out and teach yoga from an authentic place, and come home to a nice evening with my husband and dog Lulu. 

Without the daily movement and stretches I build up physical tension.  Without the quiet time and breath work, I build up mental and emotional tension.

As I say in class, it's not about the pose or how far you can get into it, it's about connecting your mind to your body and breath, being present, and just BEING.  If you're doing anything mindfully (including reading a book or eating cake!), you're practicing yoga.

If you want to practice yoga regularly for your health, I provide many yoga options, includinggroup classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well, Keep Yoga-ing,  
