Who Cares About The Core?

The English language is fascinating.  We use the word "core" to mean the physical center of something, such as an apple.  As a concept it can also mean a central belief or value, as in core values.  

In the body, the core is our center of gravity and stability for the whole body.  I think of it as a wrapping rather than the center, like a girdle surrounding the whole trunk.

"Your core consists of the muscles surrounding your trunk, including your abdominals, obliques, diaphragm, pelvic floor, trunk extensors, and hip flexors. Your core provides stability to your trunk for balance and for movements like lifting weights and standing up from a chair." - Healthline article

Yes we all have abs and other core muscles!  Accessing and engaging them begins with intention, an awareness of what is helping us make or hold a movement.   Once you identify that particular sensation, you can practice contracting then releasing the area.

If you want to practice yoga that helps keep your core strong, I provide many yoga options, includinggroup classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Stay Strong and Centered,  
