It Was A Bad Idea!

Recently a student asked me about a crazy Squat challenge I participated in early 2023. It was for a fundraiser, and I thought it would be a breeze: 50 squats per day for 30 days. After all, I do yoga squats (aka Goddess and Chair poses) all the time, right?

It was a terrible idea for me. At the time I felt a little sore, but after the month was up I noticed my hips were giving me trouble. My chiropractor helped me a bit - we were mostly focused on my wrist injury - and recommended working on strengthening my glutes (which I already do).

He stated that any repetitive movement you do very often can cause stress and possible injury. Over 1 year later I still experience hip soreness, and I believe it’s related to the Squat Challenge (at the very least, it probably didn’t help!). Resting, self-massage (therapy balls), and Foundation Training is definitely helping me with recovery, now.

Now that I think about it, taking on the challenge was probably my ego trying to prove how strong I was at my age. This is all to say that not everything I do is smart, so please use good judgment for your own body! (More on this next week.)

Be Well,
