Your Health Can’t Wait!

Courtesy of Freepik

Here we are in the 3rd month of 2024 already! Soon it will be spring (3/19), and Daylight Savings Time change is coming up (3/10).

Last week I was at a community where I teach yoga, doing a walking exercise video with the group. Leslie Sansone, the instructor, was discussing the benefits of walking regularly, and how many of us put off exercise for various reasons.

I’m paraphrasing, but she said “your mail and chores can wait, but YOUR HEALTH CAN’T WAIT.This really hit home for me.

Although I teach and practice yoga almost daily, there are other things I need to maintain my health. For example: cooking and eating nutritious foods, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep.

But life happens. Sometimes my teaching and personal schedule seems so full that I find myself skipping the things I actually need. As my husband says, I often do things for others before I do for myself. I tell myself that I can catch up on the weekend, or (even worse) that I’ll be able to take more time when I retire. Now I realize I shouldn’t wait.

Don’t wait to do the things that help your health. Pick just one thing and make a commitment to yourself. Get consistent with that one thing, and once it’s a habit, add another one. I hope yoga is one of those things for you.

Be Well,
