Practice Makes ????

You’ve probably heard the expression “practice makes perfect.” As far as I can tell, the history of this expression goes back to the 1500s! Here’s another version:

Practice makes perfect.

After a long time of practicing, our work will become

natural, skillful, swift, and steady

~Bruce Lee

I want to dispel the idea that we will become perfect at yoga, even with practice. It simply isn’t possible, because we are humans with bodies and lives that change daily, and not machines. However, we can improve and make it a regular part of our life, which will help us with our overall health and wellness.

It’s customary to say that we are practicing vs doing yoga, because we are engaged in connecting our mind to our body and our breath. It’s not always about doing, but also being. Unlike a fitness workout, yoga invites you to work IN, turning your awareness inwards to explore what works best for YOU.

Practice definition: the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories relating to it.

You can read about yoga theory, watch videos, and even listen to podcasts about it. However, the actual application of the information in YOUR body and life is what makes it a beneficial practice.

Be Well,
