Are You Doing Yoga Right?

This funny cartoon by Gemma Correll demonstrates what we may feel in a yoga class, whether beginners or experienced. We can wonder if we are in the right position, what we should feel, and even why our pose looks different from the teacher’s (or another student).

There are many reasons why your version of a yoga pose may (and should) be different from someone else’s, including:

  • Different body shapes, sizes, and proportions. Some of this we were born with; other things change over time.

  • Decreased mobility and strength due to injury, surgery, or de-conditioning

  • Hypermobility: someone who is super flexible but may lack joint stability

  • Chronic illness and/or pain

  • Sensitivity to strong sensations

For example, in a forward bend position (whether seated or standing), someone with low back pain may choose not to bend as far, or bend their knees for the standing version. A student with an ample shape may take legs wider apart to provide more room for the front of the body. A person who is prone to vertigo, or with glaucoma or untreated high blood pressure, may choose to forego the pose entirely and instead draw knees up to the chest to stretch the back.

I think it’s great to see 10 different versions of a pose in a class of 10 people! Your body will tell you if something feels right or wrong, if you tune in.

It’s good to ask for feedback from the teacher - I encourage it. I try not to tell you what you “should” look like or feel, but instead how to explore variations. Whatever you feel is valid, and you are in control over the choices you make.

This variety is why I love teaching yoga. My creativity and teaching experience come into play as I help you find what works best for YOUR body.

Happy Presidents Day,
