Why Try Chair Yoga?

A wonderful student brought me an article last week titled The Benefits of Chair Yoga, by Dr. Leslie Hewitt. I thought it was worth sharing, so did a Google search and found it online:

15 Benefits of Chair Yoga - article here on Club Menopause’s site.

Here are just a few of the benefits listed:

  • Improved Flexibility

  • Stress Reduction

  • Enhanced Range of Motion

  • Improved Balance and Stability

  • Increased Mind-Body Connection

  • Elevated Mood

Chair yoga IS yoga; it’s just done while seated in a chair, or using a chair for support. In my opinion, the benefits mentioned (except #12 listed below) apply to ALL mindful yoga practices. Here’s what is special about using a chair:

  • Accessible for All Ages and Abilities: Chair yoga is inclusive and adaptable, making it suitable for people of all ages and abilities. It can be a great option for individuals with physical limitations or those who are new to yoga.

Not everyone is comfortable with getting down to the floor (and back up!), and many of us prefer not to spend much time on hands and knees. Chair yoga can be useful for EVERY body.

I sometimes get someone in class trying chair yoga for the 1st time, and they often comment about how much they got out of it - even people used to mat yoga. I think people visualize students sitting and wiggling their fingers and toes (although we do that too), barely moving.

However, chair yoga can also include core- and leg-strengthening movements, as well as standing Balance postures while holding onto the chair. In my classes we also explore different breathing techniques, brain exercises, and sometimes chair dances! Give it a try sometime, and you may be surprised.

Be Well,
