How’s Your Balance?

How was your January? Can you believe that today we are already almost 10% of the way into 2024?

Last month was a blur for me. On top of my husband and I getting sick for a few days, we had other unexpected (and expensive) stuff happen like: a big roof repair, replacing my husband’s cell phone when it went blank, and now a hybrid car battery replacement!

Perfect balance in life rarely lasts, no matter how much you try to prepare. We can feel as if everything is running well one moment, and then all of a sudden there are unforeseen events to manage. Sometimes multiple events - as they say “when it rains, it pours” (from Morton Salt Company, interestingly).

It’s like that with physical balance, too. Some days we may feel very steady and stable; others very wobbly and off-center. In my opinion, the best way to regain a sense of balance, or steadiness, is to pause and breathe, then proceed with mindfulness.

I love the word Equanimity, which is defined as: “mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.” It’s one of the best tools we have when everything feels out of control.

Be Well,
