Plans Out The Window!

In 1785 Robert Burns wrote “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry” (adapted from a line in “To A Mouse”), and it still holds true today. I don’t know about mice, but humans love to plot out their lives, assuming this will make things happen.

Last week was a perfect example. I had a full class schedule on my calendar, I prepared what I was going to teach my classes, and organized my personal appointments. I was ready for a successful week.

After teaching my Monday morning class I went home with a stomachache. I skipped lunch but rested before going to my afternoon class . About 40-45 minutes in, I got lightheaded then literally sick to my stomach and had to rush to the bathroom. Many thanks to the students who showed concern and helped me out!

I was out of commission the rest of the day and through Tuesday, easing back into teaching one class Wednesday, and subbing the other. I really don’t know what happened, except that my husband also got sick shortly after me, so it seems to be something we ate, or maybe a bug going around.

Needless to say, our plans for the week got disrupted as we rested, regained our energies, and attempted some of our home routines (still in progress). It’s a lesson in humility, but also awareness that life continues even when things don’t go as planned. Let’s hope next week goes better. . .

Be Well,
