I'm On Your Side

Photo courtesy of HealthLine

Last week my theme for classes was the side body and lateral movement. It’s a part of the body we sometimes neglect in everyday life, but it’s a critical area because we are 3 dimensional beings.

The sides obviously connect to the front and back. Remember that as we stretch or lengthen one area of the body, the opposite side usually contracts. Stretching and strengthening the sides uses different muscles, and can help reduce tension in the back and hips.

Torso side stretches involve the oblique muscles, which are a part of the core that helps stabilize the torso. In standing poses, lateral movement can also involve the muscles that support the hip joint.

When we expand the rib cage on each side, the muscles in between the ribs (intercostals) stretch, and this can also help us breathe better. So look on the bright "side" and remember to practice lateral movement!

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

In Peace & Health,
