Don't Dread the Squat!

This past week I taught Squat pose variations in my classes (see the short video snack segment from the Zoom class). In yoga the squat shape shows up in poses like Goddess and Chair, but also can be found in Happy Baby, or simply knees to chest as a stretch.

When I announced that we were going to work on Squats (my 1st mistake) I received some groans and eye-rolls. Fortunately, nobody walked out, although some threatened to!

A Squat is a basic functional movement that involves bending the knees and hinging at the hips to get lower to the ground. We already do these every day, every time we sit down and get back up, or crouch to pick something up from the ground. How deep the squat is depends on what we’re lowering to: a chair, the bed, the toilet, or even the ground.

You probably already know, and feel, that the hips and thighs are major body areas used, but there’s so much more. One reason that squats are so beneficial is that they also use the feet, ankles, lower legs, glutes, and core!

When practiced properly and consistently, they actually help the knees, and improve overall strength and mobility.

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

In Peace & Health,
